Sunday, October 24, 2010

Campaign Website

There are two internet locations to get information on Russ Blewett for City Council 2010.

This is the Campaign Blog, for following articles and some comments in depth. Then there is the website, which has additional campaign information as well located at

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Archived 2008 Campaign Posts

Hindsight, is often 20/20 vision. Therefore, I have decided to leave up the archive of posts from my 2008 unsucessfull campaign. With this said, my hope is to demonstrate my consistency of behavior overtime and to allow you the scope of assesing how my ideas would have staid the test of time.

Unfortunatly, the housing crisis has since devasted our local economy to the extent we are listed in the top ten of areas affected nationally by the mortgage failures and unemployment concerns. This has led to many good families being forced out of our community, local business owners being devasated by the loss of their customers and a weakening of our cities financial picture.

Raising taxes, is never the solution to these types of crisis. Federal Bailouts have not worked. Big Government is seldom the answer to local problems.

We can turn this around, locally.