Symbiosis is a close ecological relationship between the individuals of two (or more) different species. Sometimes a symbiotic relationship benefits both species, sometimes one species benefits at the other's expense, and in other cases neither species benefits. The relationship is called mutualistic if both creatures benefit; if only one benefits, the relationship is called parasitic.
A parasitic relationship is one in which one organism, the parasite, lives off of another organism, the host, harming it and possibly causing death.
With the alarming economic financial crisis we face in California today, we need to re-examine the interdependence of immigrants and our economy. Workers compensation, health care and welfare budgets are being negatively impacted by the under the table, illegal alien workers who do not contribute back into our system. It is not enough that they are a source of cheap labor, when the only one benefiting from such an arrangement is the employer who personally gets a higher profit than his competitor down the street legally following state laws regarding hiring and payroll practices.
Legal immigration is a valuable source for the American Economy to improve our global connectivity and workforce skills. ILLEGAL Immigration is a parasitic drain on our economy, that has come to the point that it is unsustainable. Anchor babies, are just not acceptable when our national health care system is in crisis.
With over 30-40% population in the four Federal Prisons located right here in the High Desert, there is a criminal aspect that can not be ignored as well. We need to address this crisis at the local level now, with respect to how it affects our neighborhoods with crimes due to gang activity and drug trafficking that happens along our traffic corridor. Gangs trafficking illegal drugs from the LA and San Diego areas one their way to Vegas, are stopping in our neighborhoods for stealing cars rather than stopping for gas on their drug runs. They are bringing graffiti to our streets in broad daylight, even killing people here in Hesperia who try to stop them as the gangs fight to take control of our community. The gangs are here to establish flop houses for stop overs, as they commit crimes cross states lines with their illegal activities that make headline news in major cities outside of our area. When finally caught, they end up in our federal prisons where we then feed and house them and give them medical care paid for with higher taxes.
Something is wrong here.
Immigration has always been a strength of America, and we need to look at our enforcement of the current laws. We need to have accountability in our workplaces so that if you know that one of your coworkers is working under the table, we will be able to fine the employer for criminal behavior by stealing from our legal workforce.
The melting pot is what makes America great and we want to continually encourage LEGAL immigration. However, it's time we support and enforce the laws that made our immigration process beneficial to our society, instead of continuing to allow the current tremendous financial drain.
Hesperia will NOT be allowed to be a refuge for illegal immigrants, for these many reasons. We must fight for protecting our country, starting in our very own backyards.